Privacy Policy

EMCM is committed to protecting the privacy rights of our visitors. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to communicate to our visitors the extent and the purpose of processing of their personal data.

By visiting and submitting personal data in our website you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. You should be aware that different terms apply when visiting specific sections of this website or when the links in this website direct you to external websites.

Personal Data

The use of this website does not require from you as a visitor to register or disclose any personal data. We do not employ any hardware or software techniques to process any personal data of our visitors.

Unless you intentionally send to us or register your personal data with us, no personal data is collected during your visit in our website. Should you provide us your personal data we shall process it solely for the purposes for which it was provided, in compliance with the applicable Dutch laws in force.

EMCM has implemented the necessary technical and organizational security measures in order to guarantee the privacy of your personal data.

You have the right to ask at any time the status of your personal data stored with us, and also withdraw your consent for future processing by us.

In case you as a visitor choose to disclose your personal data with us, EMCM will process it according to the below principles:
i- processing your personal data solely for the purpose it was provided
ii- ensuring your personal data is accurate
iii- if inaccurate, your personal data shall be corrected or otherwise erased or rectified without delay
iv- processing of the personal data for no longer than necessary as seen fit for the provided purpose
v- securing technological and organizational measures to keep your personal data secure at any time
vi- in case of personal data privacy breach to report it to the competent authorities and when required to the data subject


Cookies are non-personal information. In our website we use cookies in order to improve your experience here. Where applicable this website uses a cookie control system allowing the user on their first visit to the website to allow or disallow the use of cookies on their device. This complies with recent legislation requirements for websites to obtain explicit consent from users before leaving behind or reading files such as cookies on a user’s device. If you wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from our website onto your device`s hard drive, you are advised to take the necessary steps within your web browsers security settings to block all cookies from this website.

External links

In our website you will find links to external websites, which are subject to different Privacy Policies. We advise you to carefully read the Privacy Policies of such external websites before making use of them. We cannot guarantee or verify the content of any externally linked website despite our best efforts. You should, therefore, note that you are being directed to external links at your own risk and we assume no responsibility for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links.

Consent to EMCM for Data Processing for Recruitment Purposes

The job applicant, acknowledges and confirms that by submitting his /her job application to a EMCM vacancy, gives the consent to the processing of his/her personal data by EMCM B.V., conform the General Data Protection Regulations No. 2016/679 and its implementation by the Dutch laws.
The scope and duration of the processing of the personal data for EMCM’ s recruitment purposes is limited to the relevant or an altemative vacancy.
The job applicant acknowledges his/her rights to the processing of the personal data including (i) withdrawing the consent at any time, (ii) requesting access to (iii) asking for rectification, erasure or restriction of processing, (vi) lodging a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority in event of breach of these mentioned rights.

We reserve the right to periodically amend the terms of this Privacy Policy. Last updated May 2018.

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